The BAIKAL is a hybrid monophonic desktop synthesizer that offers the best of both analog and digital worlds.
It is designed in two halves — the main circuit board is all digital, generating various sound sources, mixing and treatment options, envelopes, LFOs, and a 16-step sequencer and arpeggiator. It is equipped with an 16-line by 2-character LCD display, an encoder pot to navigate through parameters/pages shown on the display, four pots to modify the synthesis parameters, and six push buttons to cycle between groups of related pages, to switch between the synthesis pages and the sequencer/system pages, and to load and recall presets.
The all analog LP2 filter plus delay board forms the second half of the BAIKAL. It combines a raw OTA-C 2-pole filter with a classic lo-fi delay. It contains the voltage-controlled filter and amplifier, and has the ability to treat external audio.